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December 13, 2016 Smashing Newsletter: Issue #172

Smashing Newsletter

This newsletter issue was sent out to 233,520 newsletter subscribers on Tuesday, December 13th 2016. If you are not subscribed yet, feel free to subscribe to our email newsletter anytime. December is a quite magical month of the year. Not only because everything gets slower, giving you time to reflect and plan ahead, but also because it pulls you away from the routine of the working day. The new year always stands for new beginnings, so once you’ve returned from your break, your perspective on your tools, techniques and workflow may look quite different.

Cat cooking a delicious dish.
A responsive sad cat, crying for attention (literally!). Join a Smashing Newsletter.

Smashing Newsletter

Imagine you wrote a beautifully crafted newsletter and nobody read it. That would make any cat sad. Don't let that happen!

With useful tips for web devs. Sent 2× a month.
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