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Joe Leech

Joe Leech

Joe is a user experience consultant based in Bristol, UK. He works across the Web, mobile and software projects for major organisations in the UK and internationally. He works full time for the UX consultancy cxpartners. He drinks more tea than necessary.

Applying Psychology And 13 Years Of UX To Get The Details Right And Leapfrog The Competition.

Mr Joe will take you on journey, showing how to take an average website and make it exceptional. Joe will talk through a framework for looking at the interactions you design everyday and making them as good as they can be. Then we’ll look at how to take your site to the next level 💥, redesigning the experience live based on psychology and UX theory.

UX Live: Psychology and The Perfect Design

In this talk, Joe will take you on a journey to find the holy grail we are all looking for: the “perfect” design. We’ll look at a practical strategy that uses psychology to produce the ideal design for those tricky user experience design problems we face everyday.

What exactly is the perfect design? Well, that’s what you will find out in the session. We’ll look at the three aspects that define the perfect design and how you can make it work in your projects.

Psychology and The Perfect Design

In this talk, Joe will take you on a journey to find the holy grail we are all looking for: the “perfect” design. We’ll look at a practical strategy that uses psychology to produce the ideal design for those tricky user experience design problems we face everyday.

What exactly is the perfect design? Well, that’s what you will find out in the session. We’ll look at the three aspects that define the perfect design and how you can make it work in your projects.

How to Design with Science without losing the Magic

We’ve all had that experience, that feeling when we poured our heart and soul into some UX or design work only for it to be not taken seriously, criticised or worse, ignored.

How telling stories, understanding business, talking data & numbers and psychology can all be used together to get good design done. All the time making sure we don’t loose that magic inherent in great design.

We’ll look at approaches to plan, advocate and explain your ideas and design with confidence to get buy-in from the project team or client to ensure the user experience is the best it can be.