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Eva-Lotta Lamm

Eva-Lotta Lamm

Eva-Lotta is a User Experience Designer and Illustrator. She grew up in Germany, worked in Paris and London for a few years before packing up her backpack and go travelling the world for 15 months. She has over 12 years of experience working on digital products as an in-house designer for Google, Skype, and Yahoo! as well as freelancing and consulting for various agencies and her own clients.

You Can Sketch (You might just not know it yet)

In this hands-on session, Eva-Lotta will show you some basic techniques to start sketching your ideas. You’ll get some hands-on practice on how to sketch simple pictures to inject into your everyday notes and work. She’ll show examples of how easy-to-do sketches can help make your thoughts clearer, your notes more structured and your communication more engaging.