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The Pizza Show

Webinar by Sara Soueidan and Vitaly Friedman

The Pizza Show

Everybody is talking about the latest front-end techniques, best practices and tools, but what about a show that was… different?


$ 1.00 $ 1.00

60 mins talk + 30 mins Q&A.
You can watch a recording later, too.

About the session

Tuesday, June 26, 23:00 GMT.

In this live conversation, Sara and Vitaly will be speaking about everything but work — recent recipes we discovered, recent places we visited, recent people we met and what we learned over the last month. We also answer all questions asked by the audience. There is only one rule: the questions can’t be related to work. Why ‘pizza show’? Tune in and find out! Yes, there is a good reason for it!

1 hour. Tuesday, June 26, 23:00 GMT.

About The Speaker

Sara Soueidan is a freelance front-end web developer, consultant, author and speaker from Lebanon — focusing on HTML5, SVG, CSS, and JavaScript. Vitaly Friedman is co-founder of Smashing Magazine.
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Smashing TV, a brand new Hollywood blockbuster with webinars and live sessions for web designers and developers.

What's Smashing TV?

Smashing TV is a brand new series of webinars and live streams packed with practical tips for designers and developers. Not just talks — conversation with "show-me-how-you-work"-sessions. Smashing Members can download recordings, too.

Think of it as some sort of a Hollywood blockbuster with cats. Just better, because it's for people like you. Check upcoming webinars. Don't miss the next one.