Some of us feel super creative while lying awake at 4.30 in the morning, while others generate idea after idea in the shower, or while taking a walk outside. How we find and feed inspiration is different from person to person, but we all have something in common: our ideas are quite unpredictable. Sometimes they keep flowing, at other times, when we need to come up with a solution for a complex project, the spark just won’t hit. But even if we can’t tame our ideas, certain strategies can help to unlock our creative insight, and make our ideation process — and that of our team members — more effective.
Unlocking Innovation wants to equip you with such strategies, but also go beyond the mere process of generating ideas and look at how we can actually bring them to life. Different ways of experimenting with that first vague idea and mocking it up are thus part of the eBook, just like suggestions on finding the idea that is really worthy of our time and energy. The tips that our authors have to share are very practical, and can easily be incorporated into your (or your team’s) workflow. So, take your time and examine them carefully, and, most importantly, try them out to see what works best for you.