All Smashing Magazine's articles, sorted chronologically. Over 11 years, we've published 2137 articles, written by 229 hard-working authors. Still counting.
Heatmaps can show you the exact spots that receive the most engagement on a given page. Here’s why they’re so efficient for your marketing goals and how they can be integrated with your WordPress site. Read More…
Web applications require maintenance just like any other type of software, but as an industry, it is not something that we highlight enough. As a result, we are exposing our clients to a tangible risk as well as leaving money on the table. Read More…
The nomadic lifestyle is not right for everyone, but the only way to know for sure is to try. If you can afford to take the risk, go for it. Javier Cuello shares his experience and insights from his four years of travel and work. Read More…
(This article is kindly sponsored by Adobe.) It’s important to consider UX strategy in a holistic manner. In this article, Christopher Murphy explains how design impacts beyond the world of screens as part of a wider strategy. Read More…
Developers and designers need to initiate a conversation about the ethics of web design, i.e. how do we define and measure goodness and rightness in the digital realm? It’s important to discuss responsibilities, decisions, and consequences. Read More…
How can we create email marketing campaigns that convert? Well, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to create a good user experience so that subscribers look forward to receiving your emails. Read More…
Linking JavaScript functionality to the DOM can be a repetitive and tedious task. In this article, Rik Schennink explains how ConditionerJS can help make websites more flexible and user-oriented. Read More…
(This article is kindly sponsored by Adobe.) There are many ways to design and create an app’s look. Learn how to transfer an app’s design from Photoshop to XD, continuing to work on it and having fun while prototyping. Read More…
Software developers in the UK need to better understand how copyright laws may affect their work so that they don’t miss out on opportunities to protect their work and to avoid infringing on the work of another. So, where do we start? Read More…
Is it possible to use digital musical instruments as browser inputs? With the Web MIDI API, the answer is yes! The best part is, it’s fairly quick and easy to implement and even create a really fun project. Read More…