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How To Create An Affiliate Tracking Module In Magento

Quick Summary

In this tutorial, we will create a Magento module that will capture an affiliate referral from a third-party source (e.g. an external website or newsletter) and include a HTML script on the checkout success page once this referral has been converted. Creating An Affiliate Tracking Module In Magento As always, this module will be written in such a way that no core files are modified, making it portable and Magento-upgrade friendly.

Table of Contents
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In this tutorial, we will create a Magento module that will capture an affiliate referral from a third-party source (e.g. an external website or newsletter) and include a HTML script on the checkout success page once this referral has been converted.

We will be covering the following topics:

  • Capturing URI request data,
  • Saving to and retrieving values from cookies,
  • Adding custom content to the checkout success page,
  • Adding module configuration to the Magento admin panel,
  • Creating a community module with no hard-coded settings.

As always, this module will be written in such a way that no core files are modified, making it portable and Magento-upgrade friendly.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

Before We Start

This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with the basics of creating a Magento module, and builds upon the points covered in our previous article on the Magento Layout, so it might be worth brushing up on both if you are not familiar with either.

We will be adding any website-specific settings as configurable options in the Magento admin panel, and as a result, our module is a “community module” whose code belongs in app/code/community, the idea being that we can drop this community module onto any Magento instance, and no code modification will be required to get it working.

To begin with, create the following file structure with empty files ready to be populated later.

  - code
      - community
          - SmashingMagazine
              - Affiliate
                  - Block
                      - Conversion.php
                  - Model
                      - Observer.php
                  - etc
                      - config.xml
  - design
      - frontend
          - base
              - default
                  - layout
                      - smashingmagazine_affiliate.xml
                  - template
                      - smashingmagazine_affiliate
                          - conversion.phtml

  - etc
      - modules
          - SmashingMagazine_Affiliate.xml

We can already complete the content of SmashingMagazine_Affiliate.xml:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>

Capturing The Affiliate Referral

The first task of an affiliate-tracking process is to capture the referral, which is generally provided as a $_GET parameter in a URI from a third-party website or newsletter. For example smashingmagazine.com/&quest;utm_source=some_affiliate_id where some_affiliate is the ID of the affiliate we will reward if our customer completes a purchase.

Defining An Event Observer

We want our affiliates to be able to link to any page of our website, so that our customers can click directly to the product or service of interest. Therefore, we need a method of checking for this $_GET parameter on every page. As always, we don’t want to modify any Magento core code since we want our module to be as portable and upgrade-friendly as possible, so we will be using an event observer.

One event that is dispatched on every page is controller_front_init_before, so let’s create our config.xml with an observer for this event.

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
                    </smashingmagazine_affiliate >

Now, on every page load, our method SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer::captureReferral() will be called, so let’s add our Observer.php content:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer
    public function captureReferral(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        // here we add the logic to capture the referring affiliate ID

Capturing the Affiliate ID

The event controller_front_init_before is dispatched from the Magento core method Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front::init(), and includes a reference to the same class in the dispatched event, as per the following code snippet from app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Front.php:

    array('front' => $this)

We can therefore gain access to this instance of Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Front by including the following code in our event observer:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer
    public function captureReferral(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $frontController = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();

Since the controller is responsible for the parsing of URI’s, we now have access to the appropriate object we need to determine whether our $_GET parameter exists:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer
    public function captureReferral(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $frontController = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();

        $utmSource = $frontController->getRequest()
            ->getParam('utm_source', false);

        if ($utmSource) {
            // here we will save the referrer affiliate ID

In the above code, we are calling getRequest() to retrieve the Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http instance from the controller, which will contain all of the information we need about the current URI request, including any $_POST or $_GET parameters. We are interested in the $_GET parameter utm_source, and we can retrieve its value with the getParam() method.

If present in the current URI, the variable $utmSource will now contain our referring affiliate’s ID.

Saving the Affiliate ID

Now we need to save the $utmSource value so that we can reward this affiliate should our customer proceed to make a purchase. There are a number of ways to do this, but for this tutorial we will simply use a $_COOKIE. Magento has core functionality for dealing with cookies, so this is very straightforward:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer
    const COOKIE_KEY_SOURCE = 'smashingmagazine_affiliate_source';

    public function captureReferral(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $frontController = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();

        $utmSource = $frontController->getRequest()
            ->getParam('utm_source', false);

        if ($utmSource) {

    protected function _getCookieLifetime()
        $days = 30;

        // convert to seconds
        return (int)86400 * $days;

We have defined a new constant, COOKIE_KEY_SOURCE, because we will be referencing this same value from a different class. When referencing a value like this from multiple locations, it is good practice to use a constant. This way, we keep refactoring work to a minimum should the value ever need to change. We have also defined a new protected method, _getCookieLifetime(), for retrieving the cookie lifetime, which we have hard coded to 30 days from now.

Notifying The Affiliate Upon Conversion

At this point, we now have an affiliate ID stored in a cookie, and let’s assume our referred customer has added some products to their basket, completed the checkout process and is now on the checkout success page. This is where most affiliate schemes will require some notification that a referral has been converted to an order, usually by way of including a snippet of JavaScript or a tiny image at the bottom of the page.

There are, of course, other methods of updating affiliates, for example via server-side API calls which can be achieved with further event observers, but for this tutorial we will utilize the Magento layout to introduce some custom HTML at the bottom of the order success page.

We need to update our config.xml to cater to blocks and layout updates:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
                    </smashingmagazine_affiliate >

Adding a New Layout File

The layout handle we are interested in is onepage_checkout_success, since this is the handle for the checkout success page that our customer has arrived at. Let’s update our layout file, smashingmagazine_affiliate.xml:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
        <reference name="before_body_end">
            <block type="smashingmagazine_affiliate/conversion"
              template="smashingmagazine_affiliate/conversion.phtml" />

Adding A New Template File

The content of conversion.phtml will depend on the requirements of the specific affiliate we are building the module for, so for now we will use a generic format that includes a one pixel image with a dynamic merchant and affiliate ID:

      &quest;merchant_id=<&quest;php echo $this->getMerchantId() &quest;>
      &affiliate_id=<&quest;php echo $this->getAffiliateId() &quest;>"

Creating a Custom Block

Now we need to create a new block for populating the dynamic data in our template:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Block_Conversion
    extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
    public function getMerchantId()
        return '12345';

    public function getAffiliateId()
        return Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->get(

Adding Items To The Magento Admin Panel

At this point, we have a working module. All of our functionality is in place, and our hard-coded values will work for a single instance of Magento. We have the equivalent of a local module. The next step is to move these hard-coded values into the Magento admin panel, so they can be configured on multiple Magento instances without any code modification required.

It is quite straightforward to add items to the Magento admin panel system configuration, and it’s ideal for saving website-specific credentials or settings, like in our case the merchant ID and cookie timeout value.

Now, let’s log in to the Magento admin panel and navigate to SystemConfiguration using the main menu. We can see a number of tabs on the left-hand side for configuring the various elements of our Magento instance, such as “General,” “Web,” “Design,” etc. We are now going to add a new tab for our module’s configuration items.

Adding New System Configuration Tab

Let’s create a new XML file called app/code/community/SmashingMagazine/Affiliate/etc/system.xml and add to it the following content:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>

    <!-- we are defining a new tab -->

        <!-- our tab unique short name -->

            <!-- the title of our tab in the admin panel sidebar -->
            <label>Smashing Magazine</label>

            <!-- the order our tab should appear on the sidebar -->




Configuring ACL Settings

Since we have added a new tab, we need to add a new entry to the Magento ACL (Access Control List) to allow access to this tab. Let’s create a new file called app/code/community/SmashingMagazine/Affiliate/etc/adminhtml.xml, with the following content:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
                                        <title>Smashing Magazine

Note: When making changes to the ACL, if you are already logged in to Magento you will have to log out and back in again for the new permissions to take effect. You may find you get a “404 page not found” when you try to access a newly-added tab that you do not have ACL access to.

Adding New System Configuration Items

Next we will update our system.xml to add the items that we want to be configurable:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
            <label>Smashing Magazine</label>

    <!-- we are adding a new section to our tab -->

        <!-- unique shortname for our section -->

            <!-- the title of our section in the sidebar -->
            <label>Affiliate Tracking</label>

            <!-- the tab under which we want our section to appear -->

            <!-- order of section relative to our tab -->

            <!-- visibility of our section -->

            <!-- we are adding some new groups to our section -->

                <!-- the unique short code for our group -->

                    <!-- the title of our group -->
                    <label>General Settings</label>

                    <!-- order of group relative to the section -->

                    <!-- visibility of our group -->

                    <!-- we are adding some new fields to our group -->

                        <!-- the unique short code for our field -->

                            <!-- the label of our field -->

                            <!-- the type of our field -->

                            <!-- the source of our 'select' type -->

                            <!-- order relative to the group -->

                            <!-- visibility of our field -->
                            <label>Merchant ID</label>
                    <label>Cookie Settings</label>
                            <label>Cookie Timeout</label>

                                we can add a comment that
                                will appear below the field
                                This is the amount of time
                                an affiliate cookie will last, in days

Defining Default Admin Panel Settings

Sometimes it is convenient to provide default values for your admin panel configuration settings. For example, it would be a good idea to provide a default value for the cookie timeout value. However, there may be no benefit in providing a default value for merchant_id, since it will always be different. Let’s update our config.xml with a default cookie timeout value:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
                    </smashingmagazine_affiliate >

    <!-- we are setting the default value -->

        <!-- this is the section short name -->

            <!-- this is the group short name -->

                <!-- this is the field short name -->





Accessing The System Configuration Values

Once all of the above is configured, and we have our default values in place, or have saved our settings through the admin panel, we can easily access these values with the following snippet:

<&quest;php $value = Mage::getStoreConfig('system/config/path'); &quest;>

The system/config/path should be replaced with the configuration path to the particular setting you are interested in. For example, the path to our merchant_id setting would be smashingmagazine_affiliate/general/merchant_id.

We previously had the cookie lifetime hard-coded to 30 days, which we can now replace with our Magento admin panel system configuration value:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer
    const COOKIE_KEY_SOURCE = 'smashingmagazine_affiliate_source';

    public function captureReferral(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $frontController = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();

        <!-- unique shortname for our section -->

            <!-- the title of our section in the sidebar -->
            <label>Affiliate Tracking</label>

            <!-- the tab under which we want our section to appear -->

            <!-- order of section relative to our tab -->

            <!-- visibility of our section -->

            <!-- we are adding some new groups to our section -->

                <!-- the unique short code for our group -->

                    <!-- the title of our group -->
                    <label>General Settings</label>

                    <!-- order of group relative to the section -->

                    <!-- visibility of our group -->

                    <!-- we are adding some new fields to our group -->

                        <!-- the unique short code for our field -->

                            <!-- the label of our field -->

                            <!-- the type of our field -->

                            <!-- the source of our 'select' type -->

                            <!-- order relative to the group -->

                            <!-- visibility of our field -->
                            <label>Merchant ID</label>
                    <label>Cookie Settings</label>
                            <label>Cookie Timeout</label>

                                we can add a comment that
                                will appear below the field
                                This is the amount of time
                                an affiliate cookie will last, in days

Defining Default Admin Panel Settings

Sometimes it is convenient to provide default values for your admin panel configuration settings. For example, it would be a good idea to provide a default value for the cookie timeout value. However, there may be no benefit in providing a default value for merchant_id, since it will always be different. Let’s update our config.xml with a default cookie timeout value:

<&quest;xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"&quest;>
                    </smashingmagazine_affiliate >

    <!-- we are setting the default value -->

        <!-- this is the section short name -->

            <!-- this is the group short name -->

                <!-- this is the field short name -->





Accessing The System Configuration Values

Once all of the above is configured, and we have our default values in place, or have saved our settings through the admin panel, we can easily access these values with the following snippet:

<&quest;php $value = Mage::getStoreConfig('system/config/path'); &quest;>

The system/config/path should be replaced with the configuration path to the particular setting you are interested in. For example, the path to our merchant_id setting would be smashingmagazine_affiliate/general/merchant_id.

We previously had the cookie lifetime hard-coded to 30 days, which we can now replace with our Magento admin panel system configuration value:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Model_Observer
    const COOKIE_KEY_SOURCE = 'smashingmagazine_affiliate_source';

    public function captureReferral(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $frontController = $observer->getEvent()->getFront();

        $utmSource = $frontController->getRequest()
            ->getParam('utm_source', false);

        if ($utmSource) {

    protected function _getCookieLifetime()
        $days = Mage::getStoreConfig(

        // convert to seconds
        return (int)86400 * $days;

Retrieving Our Merchant ID From Admin Panel

We can now complete our block by replacing the hard-coded values with calls to the Magento admin panel system configuration. We will also add a new method for retrieving whether the module should be “active” or not:

class SmashingMagazine_Affiliate_Block_Conversion
    extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
    public function getIsActive()
        return Mage::getStoreConfig(
        ) &quest; true : false;

    public function getMerchantId()
        return Mage::getStoreConfig(

    public function getAffiliateId()
        return Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->get(

Enabling Or Disabling Our Module Through The Admin Panel

With this simple modification to our template, conversion.phtml, we can prevent the image from appearing on the checkout success page if the module status is disabled in the Magento admin panel.

<&quest;php if ($this->getIsActive()): &quest;>
             &quest;merchant_id=<&quest;php echo $this->getMerchantId() &quest;>
             &affiliate_id=<&quest;php echo $this->getAffiliateId() &quest;>"
<&quest;php endif; &quest;>

Similar if statements can be added in Observer.php to prevent the affiliate cookie being checked for and saved.


By carefully considering the way we structure our code, and utilizing the Magento admin panel, we can create community modules that are portable enough to simply drop on to any Magento website and they will work out of the box. They can then be customized and fine tuned as required to suit the needs of each website.

Feel free to view or download the source code (Github), and, as always, I welcome any questions and would love to hear any feedback in the comments area below.

Smashing Editorial (cp)