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Former editor in chief of Designinformer. More about Jad

Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien From the Eyes of Designers

Quick Summary

The past couple of weeks, the media has been in a frenzy. When news that Conan O’Brien was getting the boot from NBC, there suddenly was an uproar. Everyone was defending Conan, including designers. Last week, my Twitter stream was filled with “Save Coco” or “We Love Conan.” Personally, I never really watched him and I don’t really feel sorry for him (he’s making millions from this), but because of all the hoopla surrounding this debacle, I decided to look around and see what designers have done. Usually, if there’s something big in the news, you can be sure that designers have already fired up Photoshop or have taken their pens and papers and have already started designing and creating something dealing with the issue.

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The past couple of weeks, the media has been in a frenzy. When news that Conan O’Brien was getting the boot from NBC, there suddenly was an uproar. Everyone was defending Conan, including designers. Last week, my Twitter stream was filled with “Save Coco” or “We Love Conan.” Personally, I never really watched him and I don’t really feel sorry for him (he’s making millions from this), but because of all the hoopla surrounding this debacle, I decided to look around and see what designers have done. Usually, if there’s something big in the news, you can be sure that designers have already fired up Photoshop or have taken their pens and papers and have already started designing and creating something dealing with the issue.

Today, I’d like to showcase some Conan O’Brien and Jay Leno artwork. This just shows you that if designers get passionate about something, they can get really creative about that subject. Here’s a fun post for a boring Wednesday.

You may want to take a look at the following related posts:

Note: Please click on the images to see them in their websites and to learn more about their artists.

Conan O'Brien

Warhol Conan

Obama Conan



Conan Detective

Conan O'Brien

Conan O'Brien

Riddler Conan

Conan and Dog

Cartoon Conan

Conan Unicorn

Conan Cutout

Captain Conan

Conan Barbarian

Conan Wool



Conan O'Brien

Conan O'Brien

Team Coco


Jay and Conan

Coco Leno

Jay Leno Conan Movie


Keep Coco

Jay Leno Drawing

Jay Leno

Jay Leno

Jay Leno

So which one of these illustrations did you like and why? Leave your answers in the comments below. You must also follow Design Informer on Twitter.