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Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most probably running … More about Vitaly

Web 2.0: Buzz-Monitoring and Tracking

Quick Summary

You’d like to improve the link popularity of your site. Or maybe to keep track on the latest web buzz. It would be nice to inform your readers about it the minute the news occured. Or maybe you just want to monitor the activities of your users and be able to find the best topics they might be interested in - quickly and efficiently. In these cases tracking tools can be extremely useful and improve your search enormously.

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You’d like to improve the link popularity of your site. Or maybe to keep track on the latest web buzz. It would be nice to inform your readers about it the minute the news occured. Or maybe you just want to monitor the activities of your users and be able to find the best topics they might be interested in - quickly and efficiently. In these cases tracking tools can be extremely useful and improve your search enormously.

We’ve taken a look around and listed the best buzz-monitoring, observing and tracking tools a web-developer might be willing to use analyzing and monitoring his/her recent web-projects. Social networks often reveal extremely useful information about the public opinion of your web-site. The more popular a network, the more informative are the results.

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Buzz-Monitoring @ Smashing Magazine


  • Google Alert inform regularly about the new incoming links and the appearance of a given term online.
  • Google Rankings lets you check the position of your web-site in Google and monitor your ranking free of charge. In a long run, if you store the information over few months, you can determine some tendencies and developments which are typical for your blog. The script uses the Google Web API to find domain names within the list Google.com shows for a given search.

In order to analyze the popularity of a page regularly, you have to have some statistical data and values, you can measure your success at. The following services rate web-pages and inform you about the potential problems you have or might have in the future.

  • SEO MOZ Page Strength rates a web-page, based on its Link popularity in the Web. The Relative Importance/Visibility of a Webpage, the Potential Strength/Ability of a Page to Rank in the Search Engines and Data on Popularity, Links & Mentions of the Page Across the Web is provided.
  • Silktide Sitescore is a free tool which rates how well designed, popular and accessible your website is. Scores are broken down into 5 categories: Marketing, Design, Accessibility, Experience, User.
  • URL Trends allows webmasters to view their linking trends for eight different search engines (Google, Alexa, Yahoo!, MSN, AllTheWeb, Alta Vista, Teoma and IceRocket), as well as the PageRank and Alexa Rank. A recent addition also allows our users to view the number of end-users of a website that bookmarked the website using Del.icio.us.

If you haven’t succeeded to get linked on the front page of Digg, Slashdot or Del.icio.us, maybe it’s a good time to consider a passive strategy. If you’ve found a popular article on the topic which is similar to the main topic of your page, just leave a comment to a relevant article on your page. However, this requires you to be able to keep track on the developments and buzz in the Web. Let’s find out how.

  • Keo Tag: the latest trends are presented in a brief overview on a single page. Just enter a term you’re interested in and both services will return the most popular articles and blog posts, which are tagged with the term and generate Web-Buzz.